Daily 5 and Cafe

I went to two amazing literacy workshops this week, Daily 5 and Cafe.  I am excited to get started.  I have been told that Cafe should not be done in kindergarten but I am giving it a try.  I learned so much this week, I don't know where to store all my knowledge.  I am excited to get started on decorating my conferring notebook!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Before Pictures

School has been out for a day and I am back at work.  I am moving to a new school this upcoming school year so I am excited to get things started.  Especially putting up my word wall, calendar, and organizing my books!  Currently I am reading Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations book and I can't wait to start organizing!  I will be posting up more of my ideas when the school year start!

Here are some before pictures of my classroom and I will be posting after pictures around mid-August!