My poor blog suffered this school year. Let's just say this past school year has been CRAZY to say the least so I have not blogged for almost a year!!!! I promise I will get back to blogging SHORTLY.
Between packing and unpacking, getting a student teacher, endless trainings, and developing PDs, my life has been a bit hectic. As you may know, our school is being built as we currently speak. They torn down the school and we will be getting a brand NEW building next school year. I am so excited! As they are building the new site, we are co-housing with another elementary school. Let's just say it has not been easy. The site we are at was formerly a middle school building. It seems like a mile long from the main entrance to my classroom. On top of that, we have no sink in our classroom! I can go on and on and on but I won't bore you.
Okay enough babbling. I PROMISE I will start blogging soon, maybe with a tour of my classroom in early August.
But before I go, I will leave you with a freebie. I have created a 2015-16 calendar for you to enjoy.
Here's the link to it: