In the beginning of the school year, my students and I really dislike writing time. Growing up, I was never fond of writing so I had a "I can care less attitude." But after teaching writing and seeing the growth my students has made in writing, I am now passionate about it. My students even ask for more time during writing block! How amazing is that!!!! I am a proud teacher :) A person that inspired me to teach writing is Deedee Wills from
Mrs. Wills Kindergarten. If you have not check out her blog, it is a MUST! She does an amazing job talking about her writing block. She created a writing paper to use with her kids with editing checklist on the bottom. What a smart lady! I decided to take her idea and create a writing checklist bookmark for my kids so they can have it in their writing folder to reference. If you would like to purchase it, please go to my
TPT store